I prayed for him today

because I had no love in my heart for him. Of course I am talking about one of my teachers. I disliked my teacher so much that I couldn’t even bother to learn the subject matter. I don’t care for accounting. I almost sent my teacher a terrible email telling him how horrible of a man he is. It is a good thing that I didn’t. But one day I started to pray for him. I am unsure of what prompted me to do it, but I did. Prayer can be just as much for that person as it is for me. How humbling is it to pray for someone else’s strength when you just utterly despise that person? And how terrible is it that someone could have that much control over you, and not even know it, to ruin your day! But I prayed. I prayed for him because I had not love in my heart for him.

A Spanish Prayer

San Miguel Arcángel


Dios y Señor de los Ángeles, a quienes encomendáis la guarda de los hombres: ofrezcoos los merecimientos de estos Soberanos Espíritus y los del Príncipe de los Ángeles, que por si y por medio de sus Ministros guarda la Naturaleza humana, para que me guardéis de todo pecado y me concedáis una pureza angélica.

Gloriosísimo Príncipe de la Corte del Cielo, Excelentísimo Arcángel San Miguel, grande primer Ministro de Dios, amigo de Jesucristo muy favorecido de su Santísima Madre, defensor de la Iglesia y abogado de los hombres, ya que tanto favorecéis a vuestros devotos, haced que yo los sepa amar y servir y alcanzadme del Señor lo que deseo y pido en esta oración, a mayor honra y gloria suya y provecho de mi alma – Amen.

(Aquí, con la mayor confianza y devoción, pedria cada uno al Santo la gracia o favor que desea alcanzar.)

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